12 Button Dual Speed Radio Remote Control


Model name: ARC-1202

When artificially generated radio waves are used to control any type of machinery or equipment wirelessly, such kind of a control system is called a Radio Remote Control.

It typically consists of a transmitter device which radiates data in the form of a radio wave in free space with the help of an antenna towards the receiver. The receiver then picks up this signal with an antenna and decodes the data. Radio remote controls are completely wireless systems which can transmit and receive data over very long distances.

This Remote Control comes with 1 Transmitter and 1 Receiver
Transmitter :
1 Emergency Stop,Stop/Start Push Buttons,Main Hoist Up/Down Double Step Push Buttons,Auxiliary Hoist Up/Down Double Step Push Buttons,Left/Right Double Step Push
Buttons,Forward/Reverse Double Step Push Buttons , 1 Light/Spare Single Step Push Buttons
Signal , Emergency and Low Battery Indications.
1 Start Relay , 1 Alarm Relay , 1 Safety relay in Series with Start Relay
1 Main Hoist Up Relay ,1 Down Relay, 1 Main Hoist Up/Down 2nd Step Relay
1 Auxiliary Hoist Up Relay ,1 Down Relay, 1 Auxiliary Hoist Up/Down 2nd Step Relay
1 Left Relay ,1 Right Relay, 1 Left/Right 2nd Step Relay
1 Forward Relay ,1 Reverse Relay, 1 Fwd/Reverse 2nd Step Relay
1 Light Relay , 1 Spare Relay
31 Core Cable to connect to the Control Panel along with ferrule numbers
Signal , Power and Start relay Indications.
Wiring Diagram Sticker and Mounting Brackets.

Working of Radio Remote Control

Signal Received or transmitted by Antenna

Once the antenna has picked up the signal ,a band pass filter only allows the desired frequencies to pass while attenuating other frequencies .

Since many different radio waves are traveling through air at a given point of time, the antenna must be tuned to receive waves at the required frequency.

For example , an antenna tuned to 2.4ghz frequency will have a very low return loss at 2.4ghz and will exhibit a very high return loss at other frequencies .

For a monopole or Dipole Antenna, the length of the antenna depends on the wavelength of the desired frequency.

λ = c/f
λ = wavelength
C = Speed of light
F = desired frequency

ARC-1201 12 Way Radio Remote Control


IP65 Certified-Water & Dust Proof
Internal Antenna protected from external environment
Signal,Power & Start Indications for transparent Operation
Wiring Diagram for easy installation
Receivers are Made of Tough Polycarbonate plastic


Technical Data:

Communication & Transmission Frequency
Frequency Band 2.4Ghz (Industrial ,Scientific & Medical )
Spread Spectrum Technology Direct Sequency Spread Spectrum
Number of Channels 16
Channel Bandwidth 2 Mhz
Co-Existance with multi Radios 100 Radios
Transmit Power Default:Auto Power
(configurable):-17dBm to +4dBm
Line of Sight Range 200 Meters
Communication Type Half Duplex Closed Loop
Reception Sensitivity -103 dBm


12 Button Dual Speed Radio Remote Control “2 years warranty” on the date of Dispatch
Contact us:
Get in touch with us at 91376-20579, info@anandcontrol.in or visit our website www.anandcontrol.in

Packing Details:

12 Button Dual Speed Radio Remote Control comes in a durable and eco-friendly Packing designed to ensure safe delivery.

1 Transmitter with 2 AA Alkaline Batteries
1 Receiver with 1.5 Meters Cable
1 Test Report , 1 Wiring Diagram, 1 Delivery Challan, 1 Tax Invoice


Monitored Delivery

The logistics tracking management system does not guarantee faster delivery but ensures monitored delivery, thus facilitating the overall process by getting an insight regarding the causes of delay or any foul play, causing delayed or failed deliveries.